Approval of Minutes: June 28, 2016
Approval of First Amendment to Interlocal Agreement (ILA) between Dallas Area Rapid Transit and the City of Dallas for Union Station to Oak Cliff Streetcar Operations and Maintenance (Gary Slagel/Tim McKay) [10 minutes]
Declaration and Sale of Surplus Easement Rights Located at Denton Drive and Wyman Street to Southwest Airlines Company for a Pedestrian Bridge in the City of Dallas, Texas (Gary Slagel/Tim McKay) [5 minutes]
4. *Briefing on Proposed Contracting Approach and Contracting Opportunity for Upcoming DART Light Rail, Commuter Rail, and Streetcar Projects (Gary Slagel/Tim McKay) [30 minutes] 5. Identification of Future Agenda Items 6. Adjournment
Approval of Minutes: June 28, 2016
Approval of First Amendment to Interlocal Agreement (ILA) between Dallas Area Rapid Transit and the City of Dallas for Union Station to Oak Cliff Streetcar Operations and Maintenance (Gary Slagel/Tim McKay) [10 minutes]
Declaration and Sale of Surplus Easement Rights Located at Denton Drive and Wyman Street to Southwest Airlines Company for a Pedestrian Bridge in the City of Dallas, Texas (Gary Slagel/Tim McKay) [5 minutes]
4. *Briefing on Proposed Contracting Approach and Contracting Opportunity for Upcoming DART Light Rail, Commuter Rail, and Streetcar Projects (Gary Slagel/Tim McKay) [30 minutes] 5. Identification of Future Agenda Items 6. Adjournment