Approval of Minutes: March 13, 2018
2. Authorization to Execute an Agreement with Zurn Pex, Inc., to Include DARTowned Property Along the Cotton Belt and Light Rail Corridors in Plano, Texas, in Their Application for a Municipal Setting Designation (MSD) and Voluntary Cleanup Program (VCP) and to Modify DART’s Ownership Rights by Restricting the Use of Groundwater on DART’s Property by Obtaining an MSD (Michele Wong Krause/Tim McKay) 4. Adjournment
Approval of Minutes: March 13, 2018
2. Authorization to Execute an Agreement with Zurn Pex, Inc., to Include DARTowned Property Along the Cotton Belt and Light Rail Corridors in Plano, Texas, in Their Application for a Municipal Setting Designation (MSD) and Voluntary Cleanup Program (VCP) and to Modify DART’s Ownership Rights by Restricting the Use of Groundwater on DART’s Property by Obtaining an MSD (Michele Wong Krause/Tim McKay) 4. Adjournment